Vestmannaeyjar – The Westman Islands Live cam


Stream provided by Livefromiceland


Observe Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland, via a live webcam.

Vestmannaeyjar constitutes a municipality and archipelago located off the southern coast of Iceland.

The most extensive island, Heimaey, boasts a population of 4,414 residents, predominantly concentrated in the archipelago’s principal town, Vestmannaeyjaber. The remaining islands remain unpopulated, although six of them feature solitary hunting lodges.

Vestmannaeyjar gained global attention in 1973 due to the eruption of Eldfell, resulting in the destruction of numerous structures and necessitating a month-long evacuation of the entire populace to mainland Iceland. Approximately one-fifth of the city succumbed to destruction before the lava flow was halted, a feat achieved by utilizing 6.8 billion liters of frigid seawater.


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