Italy, officially called the Italian Republic, is a state in southern Europe, located in the center of the Mediterranean. It has been a member of the European Union and NATO since their founding and represents the third largest economy in the Eurozone.

It borders with France in the northwest (the length of the border is 488 km), as well as with Switzerland (740 km) and Austria (430 km) in the north, and Slovenia in the northeast (232 km).

There are two enclave states in Italy: San Marino and the Vatican. Italy has internal borders with these states, respectively 39 km and 3.2 km long.

Geographically, Italy covers the Apennine Peninsula, the extreme northwest of the Balkan Peninsula, the Padan Plain, the southern slopes of the Alps, as well as the islands of Sicily, Sardinia and a number of small islands.

There are 58 UNESCO World Heritage Sites on its territory.

Below is a complete list of live webcams in Italy


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