Rundale Castle

Rundale Castle

A significant monument of Latvian architecture. It was the residence of the Dukes of Courland. The castle was built by the famous architect of the Russian court Rastrelli. By the way, this was his first stone palace. He personally signed contracts with carpenters, potters and masons. All Russian craftsmen participated in the construction of the castle. The palace was painted by Russian painters, the finishing materials were made in the St. Petersburg construction office.

Now the palace acts as a museum – and everyone can see the preserved interiors from Gothic to Art Nouveau.

But Rundal Castle is famous not only for the museum but also for the garden located nearby. In the garden, many flowers are planted , a fountain is broken, many benches are installed , a hedge is planted that resembles a maze. The best time to visit Rundale is spring-summer when the flowers are in bloom .

From 1765 to 1768, during which the Berlin sculptor Johann Michael Graf and Italian artists from Petersburg Francesco Martini and Carlo Zucchi worked in the palace, most of the interiors.

In the eastern building of the palace, visitors can see the Golden Hall, the White Hall and the Grand Gallery. The duke’s apartments, including ceremonial salons and private rooms, are located in the central building, and the apartments of the duchess are completely restored in the western building.

The baroque era in the palace is inconceivable without the “French garden“, an architectural frame of green spaces, which are designed to symbolize the victory of art over nature.

The park is located on the southern territory of the palace, and Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli developed his plans at the same time as the building of the palace.

A French regular park is open to visitors, including a rose garden, a Green Theatre, ornamental flower beds and a fountain. During the summer, the park hosts an event called “Garden Festival“.

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