Venezuela, officially known as the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is situated along the northern coast of South America, encompassing both a continental landmass and numerous islands and islets within the Caribbean Sea.

Its territory spans approximately 916,445 square kilometers, and the estimated population in 2022 was around 29 million. The capital and largest urban hub are centered in the city of Caracas.

The continental expanse is bounded by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean to the north, Colombia to the west, Brazil to the south, Trinidad and Tobago to the northeast, and Guyana to the east.

Venezuela functions as a presidential republic, organized into 23 states, the Capital District, and federal dependencies covering the offshore islands of Venezuela. It stands as one of the most urbanized nations in Latin America, with a significant majority of its populace residing in the cities of the northern region and particularly in the capital.


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