The Komi Republic, established on August 22, 1921, initially as the Autonomous Region of Komi (Zyryan), and later transformed into a republic in 1936, is a constituent subject of the Russian Federation. It falls within the Northwestern Federal District and is part of the Northern Economic Region, situated in the northeastern part of the European region of Russia.

Syktyvkar serves as the capital city of the Komi Republic. The republic shares borders with the Tyumen region, including its constituent Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug to the northeast and east, as well as the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug to the southeast and south.

Other neighboring areas include the Sverdlovsk region to the south, Perm Territory to the south, Kirov region to the south, southwest, and west, and the Arkhangelsk region, including the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, to the northwest, north, and northeast.

The Komi Republic has two official languages, Komi and Russian.


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