Zimbabwe, officially known as the Republic of Zimbabwe, is a country located in the southern part of the African continent, between Victoria Falls and the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers. The country is landlocked and borders South Africa to the south, Mozambique to the east, Botswana to the west and Zambia to the north.

The name “Zimbabwe” refers to the country’s historical heritage associated with the Monomotapa Empire, where the capital was Greater Zimbabwe and the predominant population was the Gokomere people, the ancestors of the modern Shona.

Time in Zimbabwe is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich Time.

The fauna of Zimbabwe has significant diversity. In less populated areas of the country, various species of antelope, buffalo, giraffe, zebra, elephant, rhinoceroses, lions, hippos, leopards, hyenas and aardwolves can be found. It is also home to many species of birds, lizards, snakes including the African python, and crocodiles in the rivers. Various species of ants and termites are common in the country, and in the north you can find the tsetse fly. Several species of birds and mammals, including black rhinoceroses, are threatened with extinction. Zimbabwe is also rich in plant species, including 73 endangered species.

To preserve biodiversity, various reserves and national parks have been created, occupying about 10% of the country’s territory. The largest of these include Hwange, Matusadona, Victoria Falls and Mana Pools.

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