Rose Square (Rožu) Live cam


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This square, once known as the market square, lies in front of St John’s Church and is famous for its rich history, dating back to the mid-13th century. It was originally a busy market where a pillar of punishment and a well could be found in the southwest corner. At the beginning of the 20th century, the square became too crowded for the city, and in the 1920s the market was moved to its current location. In 1927, the free space of the former market square was transformed into a small square.

This ancient market was and remains a key part of the Old Town of Cesis. The city’s Christmas tree is also located here, illuminated on the first day of Advent. In the summer, the fountain becomes a family-friendly place where children can play in the water, and in the evenings it becomes a popular meeting place for locals and visitors. Every year the city Christmas tree is lit here during the first Advent.


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