
Israel, officially known as the State of Israel, is a country located in the Eastern part of the world. As of December 31, 2022, the population stands at 9.656 million people, occupying a territory of 22,072 kmΒ². In terms of population, it ranks 96th globally, and in terms of territory, it holds the 148th position.

Situated along the eastern coast, Israel is bordered by Lebanon to the north, Syria to the northeast, and shares its borders with Jordan and the West Bank to the east. Furthermore, it is bordered by Egypt and the Gaza Strip in the southwest. The capital city is Jerusalem. Hebrew is the official language, while Arabic holds a special status.

Israel is a unitary state, operating under a democratic parliamentary republic system. It is divided into 6 administrative districts.

Economically, Israel is classified as a post-industrial country with a well-developed economy. The nominal GDP for the year 2021 reached 488 billion US dollars. In the global human development index ranking, Israel holds the 22nd position, with an index of 0.903. The official currency is the new Israeli shekel.


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