
The Russian Federation, also known as Russia, is a state covering the territory of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. This is the largest state on the planet, with an official area of 17,098,246 km².

Moscow is the center and capital of Russia. The Russian language acts as the state language throughout the territory, while some regions of the country have their own state and official languages. The monetary unit is the Russian ruble.

Russia is a multinational state with rich ethnic and cultural diversity. According to the data of the Russian census of 2010 and the registration of the Ukrainian Crimea and Sevastopol included in Russia in 2014, representatives of more than 190 nationalities live in the country.

However, Russians make up more than 80% of the population, and more than 99.4% of Russians speak Russian. By religion, the majority of the population (approximately 75%) belongs to Orthodoxy, which makes Russia the country with the largest number of Orthodox believers in the world.

Below is a complete list of live webcams in Russia


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