Admiralty Embankment Live cam


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Admiralty Embankment is a street running in the Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg along the left bank of the Bolshaya Neva River from Dvortsovy Proezd to Senate Square. Its continuation in the east is Palace Embankment, and in the west is the English Embankment.

From the very beginning of the city in 1703 and the founding of the Admiralty in 1704, the section of the bank of the Bolshaya Neva where the embankment is located was used as a site for the Admiralty shipyard. This area was important for the supply of raw materials and materials, as well as for the launching of built ships through the “river gate”.

The creation of the embankment is associated with the transfer of shipbuilding work to the galley harbor in 1844. This led to the filling of all canals and pools on the territory of the Admiralty, which predetermined the emergence of this embankment.

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