Bar panorama Live cam


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📍 Bar, ME
☀️ 15.22°C
  • Feels like 14.44°C
  • Humidity 💧 63%
  • Clouds 6%
  • Wind 🍃 1.88 km/h
  • 🌤
  • Wed
  • Thu

Through this webcam, you’ll be able to observe the city of Bar in Montenegro, located on the coast of the Adriatic Sea.

One of the main attractions in Bar is the palace of King Nikola, consisting of the large and small palaces, a chapel, a winter garden, and a botanical garden. Currently, the palace premises are used as a local history museum and exhibition halls.

The majority of the city’s historical sites are concentrated in Old Bar, situated at the foot of Mount Rumija, 4 km away from the sea. There are about 240 buildings in Old Bar.

However, due to the fact that the old town was almost completely destroyed in 1878, many of the historical monuments have reached us only in the form of ruins.

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