Tver, Kaposhvar Square Live cam


A live webcam shows Kaposhvar Square in Tver in real time.

Kaposhvar Square is one of the squares in the Central District of the city of Tver, located at the intersection of Victory Avenue and Tchaikovsky Avenue. It was formed in 1957 and was named Round Square, due to the residential buildings located on it in a semicircular shape. In 1967, it was renamed Kaposhvar Square, in honor of the Hungarian city of Kaposhvar – a sister city of Tver. The city of Kaposhvar is located on the Kaposh River in the southeast of Hungary, 187 km southwest of Budapest and 50 km south of Lake Balaton. It covers an area of 11,360 hectares, with a population of around 60,000 people.

The intersection of Victory Avenue and Tchaikovsky Avenue is considered very inconvenient for traffic. Among the residents of Tver, Kaposhvar Square is often referred to as the “square of nightmares” due to frequent traffic jams and accidents. This online webcam shows the entire Kaposhvar Square and allows you to observe the traffic at the intersection of Victory Avenue and Tchaikovsky Avenue. Nearby the square, there are: Children’s Park, Victory Park, and the Central City Landscape Park “Tmak” on the banks of the Temak River.


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