Riga Zoo – Lions Live cam


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Meža prospekts 1, LV-1014, Riga, Latvia

Public transport:
Tram number 11, bus number 9 and bus number 48 go to the zoo.


The foundation of the Riga Zoological Garden organization in 1908 was the first stage in the creation of the zoo in Riga. However, only four years later, on October 14 (27), 1912, the zoo was opened to the public.

During World War I, the zoo was moved to the Hagenbeck Zoo in the Stellingen district of Hamburg. It resumed its activity only in 1932-1933. In 1933, Laimonis Gailitis, an entomologist at the Latvian Forest Department, joined the leadership of the Riga Zoo. During the Second World War, the park and its inhabitants were practically not affected, but access for visitors was limited.

By 1987, the Riga Zoo had 2,150 animals out of 405 species.

Since the early 1990s, the zoo has become municipal property. Financial difficulties have led to the fact that some animals, including elephants, were forced to leave the zoo. Writer Dzidra Rinküle-Zemzare played an active role in the fight for the conservation of animals at the Riga Zoo, including financial support for the care of Zuzite the elephant, who was born at the zoo.

Today, the zoo is open throughout the year and covers an area of 19.9 hectares. In 1993, the Ciruli branch was launched, located near Liepaja, on an area of 137 hectares. The expected number of visitors to the Riga Zoo is about 300,000 per year.


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