Ragged Mountain Resort Live cam


Stream provided by resortcams


Ragged Mountain is a ski resort located on the north side of Ragged Mountain in Danbury, New Hampshire, United States. With the help of a webcam available for live broadcast, you can enjoy all the delights of this place.

The resort offers extensive downhill skiing on 250 acres with 1,250 feet of vertical drop. Here you will find three landscape parks and many glades. A special feature is New Hampshire’s only six-person chairlift.

Ragged Mountain Resort has an eventful history. Opened in 1965, it suffered financial difficulties in 1974 when the resort went bankrupt due to insufficient snowfall and a lack of snowmaking equipment. However, thanks to new owners, Al and Walter Endriunas, the resort resumed operations in the late 1980s after introducing an artificial snow system and other improvements. Ragged Mountain is now open again to guests, offering them even more options for their ski holiday.


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