Black stork nest Live cam


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📍 Ogre, LV
☀️ 21.02°C
  • Feels like 20.59°C
  • Humidity 💧 54%
  • Clouds 6%
  • Wind 🍃 2.19 km/h
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  • Wed
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This live webcam stream offers a fascinating view of a black stork nest located in the forests of Ogre, Latvia.

Black storks are a rare and protected species, known for their striking black and white plumage and red beaks. The nest is situated high up in a tree, providing a safe and quiet place for the storks to raise their chicks.

Viewers can observe the storks’ daily routines, from caring for their young to foraging for food. This webcam provides a rare opportunity to witness the life of these elusive birds in their natural habitat, surrounded by the tranquil beauty of Latvian forests.

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