Paso Del Norte Bridge Live cam


Stream provided by elpasotexas

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📍 El Paso, US
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  • Humidity 💧 29%
  • Clouds 75%
  • Wind 🍃 7.13 km/h
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Welcome to the live webcam of the Paso del Norte International Bridge, spanning the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo), connecting El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico.

This bridge is also known as the “Paso del Norte Bridge“, “Santa Fe Street Bridge”, “Puente Benito Juarez”, “Puente Paso del Norte” and “Puente Juarez Santa Fe”.

This four-lane bridge is exclusively for non-commercial northbound traffic and was built in 1967. The side of the bridge owned by the United States is managed and managed by the City of El Paso.

It is important to note that on March 26, 2019, dozens of illegal immigrants were detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers.

Without grabbing a place in local temporary detention centers, they created a “temporary shelter” under the bridge, arranging a fence made of chains and barbed wire. On March 30, hundreds of immigrants were sleeping on dirt and rocks, using mylar blankets, portable toilets and plastic sinks.

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