Helsinki, Southern Port, Makasiini Terminal Live cam


Stream provided by portofhelsinki

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📍 Helsinki, FI
🌥 15.65°C
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  • Humidity 💧 91%
  • Clouds 83%
  • Wind 🍃 1.65 km/h
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  • Thu

A live webcam shows the Makasiini Terminal in the Southern Port of the city of Helsinki.

The port of Helsinki is the largest and most important port in Finland, divided into three separate seaports: the Southern Port, or South Harbor (Eteläsatama), the Western Port (Länsisatama), and the Vuosaari Port (Vuosaaren satama).

The Southern Port houses 3 passenger terminals: the Olympic Terminal (Olympiaterminaali), the Katajanokka Terminal (Katajanokan terminaali), and the Makasiini Terminal. The panoramic webcam is located at the Makasiini ferry terminal in the Southern Port, serving the Helsinki – Tallinn high-speed ferries of the Linda Line company. Through the webcam, you can also see the Historical Center of Helsinki – the capital of Finland, and the South Harbor with other terminals.

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