Kotor panorama Live cam


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📍 Kotor, ME
☀️ 12.78°C
  • Feels like 12.52°C
  • Humidity 💧 92%
  • Clouds 0%
  • Wind 🍃 2.37 km/h
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  • Thu

Through this webcam, you can observe the city of Kotor in the Bay of Kotor, renowned for its Old Town and stunning views. It’s one of Montenegro’s main tourist attractions, drawing thousands of tourists annually, including cruise ships. Almost everyone who has been to Montenegro has visited this picturesque city.

Kotor is situated on the coast of the Adriatic Sea in the southwestern part of Montenegro, in the municipality of Kotor. The bay in which it lies is named after it – the Bay of Kotor – and it represents a unique southern fjord, resembling the fjords of northern Norway.

The forts of Kotor are part of the largest fortification system in the Balkans. The city is surrounded by magnificent hills and forests, making aerial views particularly stunning. Some tourists refer to Kotor as the “Venice of Montenegro”.

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