Walks live, Seoul Live cam


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📍 Samjeon-dong, KR
🌦 25.12°C
  • Feels like 26.17°C
  • Humidity 💧 95%
  • Clouds 67%
  • Wind 🍃 0.84 km/h
  • 🌦
  • Wed
  • 🌥

Tune into the live stream for a virtual night walk through Myeongdong, one of Seoul’s most exciting districts. Experience the lively streets, vibrant atmosphere, and bustling nightlife of Korea’s capital city in real-time.

Through this HD webcam, you can:

  • Wander through Myeongdong’s famous streets, capturing the energy and excitement of the night.
  • Hear the vivid sounds of the city, from street vendors calling out to customers to the hum of nightlife.
  • Enjoy the sights of Korean street food vendors, showcasing delicious and diverse culinary delights.
  • Witness the latest in Seoul’s street fashion as locals and tourists alike stroll through this popular area.
  • Explore late-night club scenes and entertainment spots that make Myeongdong a must-visit destination.

This live stream offers an immersive experience, perfect for those looking to discover what to do and where to go in Seoul.

South Korea - Cities/States

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