Prambanan Temple Live cam


Stream provided by jogjaprov

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This live webcam stream offers a real-time view of the Prambanan Temple, a magnificent 9th-century Hindu temple complex in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Southern Java, Indonesia.

Dedicated to the Trimūrti, representing the Creator (Brahma), the Preserver (Vishnu), and the Destroyer (Shiva), Prambanan stands as a testament to ancient Java’s Hindu architecture and artistry. Located about 17 kilometers northeast of Yogyakarta, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia and the second-largest in Southeast Asia, after Angkor Wat.

The temple complex, known for its towering 47-meter-high central structure and intricate design, originally consisted of 240 individual temples. This historic site continues to draw visitors from around the globe, showcasing the grandeur and sophistication of Indonesia’s classical period.

Indonesia - Cities/States

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