Old Bridge (Stari Most) Live cam


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Watch the live stream via webcam, allowing you to observe the historic Old Bridge (Stari Most), which is also known as the Mostar Bridge.

This bridge, rebuilt on the basis of Ottoman architecture of the 16th century, stands in the city of Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina, spanning the Neretva River and connecting two parts of the city.

It got its name in honor of the guards of the bridge, known as bridge keepers, who in the past guarded it during the Ottoman Empire.

In 1993, the bridge was destroyed as a result of shelling by the Croatian Defense Council, which considered it a strategic military facility during the Croatian-Bosnian War. However, after the war, a reconstruction project was initiated, and the restored bridge was opened on July 23, 2004.

The Old Bridge is an example of Balkan Islamic architecture, which was commissioned by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1557 and designed by Mimar Khairuddin, a student and successor of architect Mimar Sinan.

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Cities/States

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