Mojčin dom na Vitrancu Live cam

Mojčin dom na Vitrancu
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Through this live webcam, you can enjoy the view from Mojci House, which offers one of the most spectacular landscapes to the south, with mountain peaks rising above the valleys of Mala and Velika Pisnica.

From here you can see Jalovec, Karavanke, Krše Alps, Visoke Turu, Žilské Alps, Karnia Alps and part of the Western Julian Alps mountain range. Just a hundred meters from the cabin, next to the paragliding platform, you can see the Upper Sava Valley, Karavanke, Austria, the Krše Alps, Visoke Turu, the Zilskie Alps and the Carnian Alps. You can also see the Western Julian Alps, which extend to Italy.

The Mojci House in Vitranac is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm in May, September and October, and is open daily in June, July and August. A variety of drinks, appetizers and stews cooked on an open wood-fired cauldron await guests.


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