Mexico – Texas border (Zaragoza) Live cam


Stream provided by elpasotexas


The border between Mexico and the United States, also known as the Mexican-American Border, is an international line separating the two countries and extending from the Pacific Ocean in the west to the Gulf of Mexico in the east.

The webcam that you are watching is located in Texas, in the city of El Paso.

This boundary crosses a variety of terrain types, including both urban areas and desert spaces. It is one of the busiest borders in the world with about 350 million crossings annually and ranks tenth in length among the borders between two countries in the world.

The length of the continental border is 3,145 kilometers (1,954 miles). From the Gulf of Mexico, it follows the course of the Rio Grande River (Rio Bravo del Norte) to the border crossing in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, and El Paso, Texas. It then passes through the vast deserts of Chihuahua and Sonora to the Colorado River Delta and the city of San Diego-Tijuana before reaching the Pacific Ocean.

It borders four American states: California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, as well as six Mexican states: Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Sonora and Tamaulipas.


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