Melbourne panorama Live cam

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📍 Melbourne, AU
🌦 9.22°C
  • Feels like 7.78°C
  • Humidity 💧 85%
  • Clouds 75%
  • Wind 🍃 2.67 km/h
  • 🌦
  • Mon
  • Tue

With this wonderful webcam of Melbourne, you can discover and explore the city at firsthand.

Melbourne is an attractive city that is located around Port Phillip Bay in Australia, which is Victoria’s capital and second largest town after Sydney. With a population surpassing five million people, it is also the most populous city in the southernmost state and the world’s southernmost million-dollar city.

This City is not only an Australian business and industrial hub but as also considered to be its cultural center which organizes many sportive events and national holidays. It is evident by such things as peculiar architecture, abundance of parks and gardens as well as multinationalism.

Look at this breathtakingly beautiful webcam footage taken from various angles across Melbourne right now!

Australia - Cities/States

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