Sydney Live cam


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☀️ 15.02°C
  • Feels like 13.78°C
  • Humidity 💧 46%
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  • Wind 🍃 3.52 km/h
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A webcam shows a panorama of the Central Business District of Sydney in Australia.

Sydney is the largest and oldest city in Australia, as well as the capital of the Australian state of New South Wales. It is located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean in the southeastern part of the Australian continent, covering an area of 12,144 km², with a population of over 5 million people.

Sydney is the first European colonial settlement in Australia. It was founded in 1788 by Admiral Arthur Phillip of the Royal Navy and named by colonists in honor of Lord Sydney, the British Secretary of State for the Colonies at the time. The city has a subtropical oceanic climate with moderately hot summers and warm winters, with an average temperature of +11°C in July and +21°C in January. Precipitation falls evenly throughout the year, with an average annual rainfall of about 1217 mm.

Sydney’s main attractions include the Harbour Bridge, the Sydney Opera House, and numerous beautiful sandy beaches located along the rugged coastline of the city with many coves, bays, and islands. Through this webcam on the North Shore of Sydney Harbour, you can see the Sydney Central Business District, the Harbour Bridge, and the Sydney Opera House.

Australia - Cities/States

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