Litli-Hrútur eruption Live cam

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  • Humidity 💧 87%
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Litli-Hrútur’s cooling craters represent a recent addition to Iceland’s geological tapestry. This area, commonly referred to as the Fagradalsfjall volcano, has experienced three eruptions since 2021 and continues to captivate visitors in the southwest of Iceland.

As of August 5, there has been no activity in the Litli-Hrútur crater, and the flow of lava has ceased. Nevertheless, these dormant craters and the rugged, dark lava present a breathtaking spectacle in the desolate valley of the Reykjanes Peninsula.

When the craters were active, their fiery glow was visible even from Reykjavík, located just 35km away. However, to approach the site, a hike is necessary. Surprisingly, the longer trail leads to the most recent lava, dating back to 2023, situated at the Litli-Hrútur mountain, making for a round-trip of approximately 20km (12 miles). On the other hand, the shorter route, the Stórhóll viewpoint, offers a panoramic view without venturing close to the craters.

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