Kitty Brew Cafe Live cam


Stream provided by kittybrew

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📍 Sandusky, US
☀️ 22.57°C
  • Feels like 22.79°C
  • Humidity 💧 73%
  • Clouds 0%
  • Wind 🍃 1.58 km/h
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What is a cat cafe?

The idea of cat cafes dates back to 1998, when the first one opened its doors in Taiwan. Since then, cat cafes have quickly gained popularity and spread to other countries, including Japan, China, Australia, England and Canada.

There is a webcam inside the Kitty Brew Cafe.

In the US, the first cat cafe, Cat Town Cafe, opened in Oakland in 2014, and since then they have started popping up all over the country. In many cat cafes abroad you can find cats that are not adoptable. In the US, cat adoption has become a key issue and people have discovered that the combination of coffee and cats makes a great match!

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