Key West – Front Street Live cam


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📍 Saint James City, US
  • Feels like 36.99°C
  • Humidity 💧 67%
  • Clouds 100%
  • Wind 🍃 1.34 km/h
  • Tue
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About Key West

Key West is one of the most popular beach resorts. Located in the state of Florida, the sunniest state in the United States. The island has a rich history — once the city was just a Spanish colony and the locals lived by collecting everything that came to the shore from shipwrecks. It was only in the first half of the 19th century that the territory was purchased by the Americans. By the way, Hemingway lived on this island for a long time — there is a Museum in his honor. Now the city is known to fans of club life, restaurants and this type of recreation.

It attracts not only fans of a carousel, the city has many art galleries and museums.

One of the museums is the Hemingway House. The house is fully preserved interior of the famous writer.During his stay here, he wrote his most famous and popular novels “for whom the bell tolls”, “to Have or not to have»,»The Snows Of Kilimanjaro.” The writer loved cats so much that during his lifetime at least 80 cats lived there on the territory of his house, now more than 40 cats live there.

The most popular and unusual Museum in the city is the shipwreck Museum. There is even a performance with actors for visitors. The fact is that the locals always took turns on the observation deck and watched the sea, waiting for a shipwreck, but When it happened, the observer in vsegorlo shouted that the ship was sinking and it was time to Rob it.

The city has its own main holiday. Every year, people gather in Mallory square and the moment the soldier sits down, they all start to applaud him, then a sailing ship sails by. This is the end of the ritual and the fun begins with magicians, acrobats, fortune tellers, jugglers and others.

The Gulf stream flows here, which makes the climate mild and warm. The air temperature here has never dropped below 0. In the season from November to April, it is quite dry and warm, but in other months it rains.

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