Tsiolkovsky Streets Live cam


The webcam shows a round road junction at the intersection of Serova and Tsiolkovsky streets in Nizhny Tagil.

This round road junction is located at the intersection of Tsiolkovsky, Pervomayskaya, and Serova streets in the central part of Nizhny Tagil, near the bank of the Tagil River. Serova Street is one of the longest streets in the city, stretching from east to west, from Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsii Street to Ostrovsky Street.

Tsiolkovsky Street runs parallel and south of Serova Street, from Industriyalnaya Street to this roundabout. This webcam is installed in house number 2 on Tsiolkovsky Street, and through it, you can also see the Tagil River and the bridge of Krasnoarmeyskaya Street over the river.


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