Brownville’s Food Pantry For Deer Live cam


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Live webcam in Brownville of wild deer feeding

A deer feed warehouse in Brownville, Maine, provides up to 800 pounds of local oats and bushels of apples per day to support the white-tailed deer population during the harsh local winters. Feeding occurs daily from 8:00 to 9:00 EST starting December 16th and continuing until approximately early April.

It’s important to note that these are wild deer, not farmed deer, and some have been showing up at this location for over 10 years. The pantry sometimes hosts over 200 deer, as well as wild turkeys, which also consume local oats along with the deer.

Wild deer in Maine are free of chronic wasting disease, or CWD. Deer in this region remain very healthy, with no reported cases of the disease. This type of deer feeding is done in Maine every winter, even when they are not being fed, and deer with physical features can sometimes be seen.
