Alaska – Brooks Falls Brown Bears Live cam


Brooks Falls is a cascading waterfall located within the Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska. Located on the Brooks River, two and a half miles (about 4.2 km) from Brooks Lake and the same distance from Naknek Lake, this waterfall has become famous for its unique phenomenon: salmon overcome its height of 6 feet (approximately 1.8 m) in an attempt to reach their spawning grounds in Brooks Lake.

It is because of this feature that the place becomes the center of attraction for large populations of brown bears that come here to hunt spawning salmon. Brown bears often gather at the waterfall from July to early September, presenting an indescribable sight for observers. In July, the number of bears at the waterfall reaches its peak, sometimes up to 25 bears can be seen at the same time. They catch salmon by jumping over the waterfall to get more food from the late salmon rises.


Before Camp Brooks was established in 1950, the number of bears near the falls was less than it is today, and observers could see no more than 6–7 bears at a time. The presence of hunting was accompanied by an increase in the number of bears, while the attraction of the falls was salmon fishing. However, with the control of the ban on hunting and the introduction of surveillance, the coverage of bears has increased four times compared to the special rates.

In terms of particulate matter, archaeological remains dated to about 9,000 years ago have been found at the site, one of the oldest remains in North America. Due to the use of the Bering Bridge, it is felt that some of the first people to arrive from Russia may have established a settlement here. The local Native Americans still meet their way of life in the known area as Savonoski Old Place, gathering food and living in the area.

Despite the presence of ancient artifacts near the waterfall, the focus is still on bears and salmon. Usually, up to ten bears can be observed at the waterfall at the same time, and even 43 bears were seen in one day.


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