Brod, Dragaš Live cam


Stream provided by gjirafa

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📍 Komuna e Dragashit, XK
-9°C / 15°F
  • Feels like -12°C / 10°F
  • Humidity 💧 97%
  • Clouds 86%
  • Wind 🍃 1.42 km/h
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  • Mon
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This webcam allows you to monitor the ski resort of the village of Brod, located in the municipality of Dragas in southern Kosovo.

Brod is part of the Prizren region and the Gora region, where the Gorani population predominates. The village consists of about 900 houses.

The Gorani people speak the Našin language, but a small part of the inhabitants, especially those living closer to the cities, also speak Albanian and Serbian. According to the 1991 Yugoslav Census, about 54.8% of the inhabitants of the Gora municipality spoke the Goran language, which roughly corresponds to the number of those who considered themselves ethnic Gorans.

The ski resort Arxhena Mountain Resort – Brod is located in this region, offering visitors the opportunity to use five ski lifts. The winter sports area is located at an altitude of 1510 to 2050 meters.

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