Lake Jasna – Kranjska Gora Live cam


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📍 Kranjska Gora, SI
🌤 13.15°C
  • Feels like 13.08°C
  • Humidity 💧 98%
  • Clouds 13%
  • Wind 🍃 2.2 km/h
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  • Wed

Immerse yourself in the beauty of Lake Jasna in Slovenia with a webcam that broadcasts images directly from the shore of this unique place. Lake Jasna, consisting of two interconnected artificial reservoirs, is located near Kranjska Gora, along the road to the Vrsic Pass.

These lakes were created to develop tourism in the area where the Mala and Velika Pisnica rivers meet. This location also contains a small natural canyon and the Kranjska Gora hydroelectric power station.

There are scenic hiking trails around Lake Jasna, one of which leads to a forest path along the Mala Pisnica valley, abandoned after the 1980 earthquake. Not far from the lake there are apartments, a children’s playground and a bronze statue of an ibex, installed on a natural rock by sculptor Stojan Batić in 1986–1988.

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