Muhu island, Kuivastu Harbour Live cam


The live webcam at Kuivastu Harbour on Muhu Island, Estonia, provides a stunning real-time view of the busy harbour and the surrounding area, which is a key connection point between the mainland and the island.

Kuivastu Harbour serves as one of the main ferry ports linking Muhu Island to the mainland of Estonia via the Virtsu-Kuivastu ferry. This vital connection makes the harbour a lively and bustling spot, with frequent ferry arrivals and departures, as well as road traffic moving in and out of the port area.

Watching the ferry traffic is a fascinating part of the live-stream experience, as you can see cars, trucks, and passengers boarding and disembarking throughout the day. The surrounding roads visible on the webcam provide a good indication of local traffic and can offer a sense of daily life in this picturesque area.

The weather in this part of Estonia can be quite variable, and the live webcam provides a real-time update on the current conditions. Whether it’s a calm sunny day, a windy afternoon with waves crashing against the shore, or the occasional rain shower, this live stream is perfect for checking the weather before planning your journey or activities around Muhu Island.


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