The Empire State Building Live cam


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A webcam shows New York from the rooftop of the Empire State Building in real time.

The Empire State Building is a 103-story skyscraper located on Fifth Avenue in the center of Manhattan in New York City. It stands at a height of 443 meters including its spire and 381 meters to the roof. Construction began on March 17, 1930, and it officially opened on May 1, 1931, becoming the tallest building in the world at the time.

Today, the skyscraper ranks as the 22nd tallest building in the world and the 4th tallest in the United States, following One World Trade Center in New York, the Willis Tower, and the Trump International Hotel in Chicago.

The Empire State Building is one of the main landmarks and symbols of New York City. From the skyscraper, you can enjoy magnificent views of the Manhattan district, the Statue of Liberty, Fifth Avenue, as well as other neighborhoods and landmarks of New York.

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