San Martin de los Andes Live cam


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Stream provided by sanmartindelosandes

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📍 San Martín de los Andes, AR
20°C / 68°F
  • Feels like 19°C / 66°F
  • Humidity 💧 28%
  • Clouds 50%
  • Wind 🍃 4.73 km/h
  • Sun
  • 🌥
  • ☀️

A webcam shows the Catholic church of San Jose in the center of the city of San Martin de los Andes.

San Martin de los Andes is a small town located at the foot of the Andes in the Neuquen province in Argentine Patagonia, on the eastern shore of Lake Lacar, 50 km east of the Chilean border. The climate in the city is cool and humid, with frosts even in summer. The average temperature in summer, which lasts from December to February, is around +15°C, while the average winter temperature is +4°C. The city receives the most precipitation in the form of rain and snow during the winter period.

San Martin de los Andes is a popular tourist destination in Argentina both in summer and winter. The area around the city boasts stunning landscapes and ample opportunities for recreation, with activities like cycling, hiking, mountain trekking, camping, and more being popular. Located 19 km from San Martin de los Andes is the ski resort Chapelco, one of the most popular winter sports centers in Argentina and all of South America.

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