White Rock Pier – B.C Live cam

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White Rock Pier, located in White Rock, British Columbia, spans a length of 470 meters. There is a sign on the pier stating that it is the longest pier in Canada.

Despite this claim, there are longer feasts in Canada, of which the Quai de Portneuf in Portneuf, Quebec is the longest.

The original version of this pier was built in 1912 and was essentially a floating dock about 300 feet. However, it was destroyed by winter storms in 1913.

In 1914, the pier was rebuilt and turned into a pier for steamboats, especially those that arrived with the start of the Great Northern Railway.

Although the construction was completed in August of that year, the official opening of the pier was delayed due to the outbreak of the World War I and took place on November 14, 1914. In 1915, the federal government approved the pier and extended it to 1,542 feet.

On December 20, 2018, the pier was severely damaged by hurricane-force winds. Sailing ships moored to the pier broke free of their seats and swept under the pier, causing severe damage to its midsection. The assistance of the Coast Guard was also required to rescue one of the pedestrians. The cost of restoring the pier was estimated at $16.2 million. The pier was subsequently renovated and reopened to visitors in 2019.

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