Velika Planina Live cam


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🌥 13.73°C
  • Feels like 12.52°C
  • Humidity 💧 52%
  • Clouds 75%
  • Wind 🍃 2.85 km/h
  • Sat
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Velika Planina is a scattered highland settlement that can be observed through this live webcam, predominantly consisting of pastoral dwellings located on the karst plateau of the Great Pasture in the Kamnik Alps in the Upper Carniola region of Slovenia.

In 1985, Velika Planina became an independent settlement when it was administratively separated from neighboring Zaga.

Residential buildings in the settlement, mostly made of wood, are characterized by a unique architecture. These are small one-room dwellings with oval tiled roofs that go down almost to ground level, creating additional space for keeping livestock.

There are very few permanent residents in the settlement, but in the summer months there is still a significant number of shepherds who take their flocks to the mountain pastures. It is one of the few pastoral settlements of this size in Europe that attracts visitors all year round with its winter skiing and summer hiking opportunities. Several houses have also been built near the settlement to accommodate visitors, and it is easily accessible by cable car from Kamniška Bistrica.

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