Strbske Pleso Live cam


Stream provided by Panorama


This webcam will allow you to see this beautiful moraine lake called Strbske Pleso in High Tatras.

Strbske Pleso (Slovak: Štrbské pleso) is a fascinating place located in Slovakia, which is within the region of High Tatras. The size of this water body can’t be underestimated: 640 x 600 meters; as well its coastline’s length stretches to 2,245 km. Its hydrological area measures about 19.67 hectares while the depths range from 6.61m to 20.3 m.

It is the second-largest lake in the Slovak part of the High Tatras formed as a result of the subsidence of moraine deposits that remained here after melting glaciers. The bottom relief has three deep parts separated by uplifting.

Also, brown trout, pike, and whitefish are among the fish species found in this lake while grass frogs and common toad belong to those living around it with bats such as Rufous noctule or Pygmy pipistrelle near human settlements.


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