Lignano Sabbiadoro Live cam


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📍 Lignano Sabbiadoro, IT
🌥 5°C / 41°F
  • Feels like 2°C / 37°F
  • Humidity 💧 60%
  • Clouds 51%
  • Wind 🍃 2.66 km/h
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One of the famous beach resorts, awarded the blue flag award, is located between the river and the sea in the Marano lagoon. The length of the beach is 8 km and the beaches are famous for their Golden sand. There is entertainment for everyone-families with children, lovers of active recreation, lovers of passive beach recreation. The city administration actively supports the tourism sector of the economy.

One of the most popular tourist parks is Hemingway Park.

It is no accident that the Park is named after a famous writer — Hemingway often visited these places and loved them very much.
About 4,000 species of plants from all over the world grow on the territory of the Park. you can safely call the Park an open-air Botanical garden-in the evening, performances are held in the amphitheater.

Sanctuary “the Five lands”.

The Park is located on five rocks and its length is 18 km. Five lands — five small villages that are included in the world heritage list. Narrow streets, small houses in steep cliffs that seem to grow on top of each other, colorful plants that grow on the facades of houses — this is only a small part of why you should go there.

A path was cut through the rocks connecting 2 settlements to each other — the path was called the road of Love. There is a legend if you walk along the trail with your loved one, you will live a long, happy life together. Also on the walk you can meet an orchestra that plays Italian love songs to tourists.
Every year here takes place the ceremony of awarding the prize Ernest Hemingway jury award for achievements in literature and journalism. A beautiful ceremony takes place in June.

Interesting facts about Italy

  • San Marino is the oldest Republic in the world.
  • UNESCO claims that Italy has 60% of the world’s art heritage.
  • There are only three volcanoes in Europe and all of them are located in Italy.
  • The national flower of Italy is the Lily.
  • The piano was invented in Italy in 1709.
  • 75% of the country’s territory is occupied by mountains.
  • Italy is considered the largest shadow economy in the world.
  • Every day tourists throw coins into the Trevi fountain in Rome, the amount is 3000 euros daily.

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