Goslar, Main Square Live cam

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📍 Goslar, DE
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  • Humidity 💧 96%
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  • Wind 🍃 2.33 km/h
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A live webcam shows the main square in the center of Goslar city in real-time. Goslar is located at the foot of the Harz mountain in the Lower Saxony region in central Germany. This is a very old city with cobblestone streets and half-timbered houses with small windows.

The atmosphere here is medieval, with many historical and ancient landmarks in the city. The most famous attraction in the city is the fountain in the Market Square with an eagle figure, which is a symbol of the city and marks the center of Goslar. The fountain was built in different eras; the lower part was constructed in the 12th century and is an excellent example of bronze casting in the Romanesque era. The upper part of the fountain and the eagle figure were built in the 13th century, while the crown was added in the 18th century.

Germany - Cities/States

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