Camogli Live cam

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📍 Camogli, IT
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  • Humidity 💧 88%
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  • Wind 🍃 1.09 km/h
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Camogli is a fishing village and popular resort that can be observed through this live webcam.

Situated on the western side of the Portofino peninsula, on the shores of the Gulf of Paradiso on the Riviera di Levante, in the Ligurian region of northern Italy, near Genoa.

Camogli is one of the key areas of the Portofino Regional Natural Park and is part of the Portofino Marine Protected Area.

The origin of the city’s name is controversial.

One version suggests that it comes from the abbreviation Casa de Moglie. According to this legend, when captains went to sea, they placed their wives (moglie) in houses for all (casa), and this custom became a characteristic feature of the city.

During the late Middle Ages, Camogli flourished as a major seaport. At its best, its fleet included hundreds of ships, and it was called the “city of a thousand white sails.” In 1798, Napoleon’s significant fleet was based in Camogli, which was subsequently defeated in the Egyptian waters of the Nile by Admiral Nelson. In 1874, the prestigious naval college “Cristoforo Columbo” was founded in this village, named after the famous Genoese navigator Christopher Columbus.

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