Calp – Arenal-Bol beach Live cam


Stream provided by calpe

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📍 Calpe, ES
  • Feels like 25.8°C
  • Humidity 💧 85%
  • Clouds 98%
  • Wind 🍃 4.96 km/h
  • ☀️
  • ☀️
  • Wed

Experience the breathtaking vistas captured by the Calp webcam, providing a clear view of the renowned Ifach rock—a major attraction for tourists. The camera images showcase all the scenic beauty that travelers can appreciate, allowing anyone interested in the city’s weather to check the panoramic views at any time.

The unbeatable panoramic perspective reveals an idyllic setting in the Peñón d’Ifach Natural Park, unquestionably one of the most iconic locations in the Valencian Community. The charm intensifies as the Calp webcam captures the serene La Fossa beach, with the rocky mass reflected in the crystal-clear waters of the bay, all at the base of this distinctive tourist village.

Equipped with high-quality tourist services and facilities, the city of Calp caters to the needs of every visitor. A diverse range of leisure options ensures that travelers enjoy a perfect stay tailored to their preferences. By checking the Calp webcam, users can stay informed about the expected weather for each day, making it convenient to decide whether the beach is in an ideal state for bathing.

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