Benidorm, Playa de Levante Live cam


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📍 Benidorm, ES
🌤 20.48°C
  • Feels like 20.46°C
  • Humidity 💧 72%
  • Clouds 19%
  • Wind 🍃 3.94 km/h
  • 🌦
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Playa de Levante, located in Benidorm, Spain, is a stunning beach known for its vibrant atmosphere and scenic beauty. With golden sands stretching along the Mediterranean coast, it is one of the most popular spots for tourists and locals alike.

The beach is well-equipped with amenities, including sunbeds, umbrellas, and water sports facilities, making it ideal for both relaxation and adventure.

Playa de Levante offers a picturesque view of the surrounding skyline, with the lively promenade running parallel to the beach, lined with restaurants, bars, and shops, creating a dynamic backdrop for the serene coastal scene.

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