Bealville, Cliff/Tunnel 5 (Mojave Sub) Live cam


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Step into the fascinating world of railroads with a live webcam feed from Bealville, a hidden gem in California’s Kern County.

Bealville lies along the Union Pacific Railroad’s busy Tehachapi Pass route, one of the most iconic and heavily trafficked freight corridors in the United States.

As trains traverse the rugged terrain, they pass through tunnels carved into the hillsides and hug the cliffs, creating a breathtaking spectacle of locomotion and landscape. This area is particularly famous for the challenging topography that requires trains to navigate steep grades and tight curves, a true testament to the ingenuity of 19th-century railroad construction.

The live webcam captures all the action in real-time, showcasing the rhythmic flow of trains as they emerge from tunnels and wind along the cliffs. You can watch massive freight trains, often stretching for miles, as they carry goods across the state and beyond.


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