Dealey Plaza in Dallas Live cam


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This webcam shows a view from the 6th floor of Dealey Plaza, the former book depository in Dallas, Texas.

It was from this window that on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated and Texas Governor was severely wounded. The assassination took place at 12:30 Texas time from a rifle as the President’s motorcade passed through Elm Street.

The book depository building was constructed in 1898 at the intersection of Elm Street and Houston Street in Dallas. In 1963, it was leased to the Texas School Book Depository. It was from the window on the 6th floor, the view of which is shown by this webcam, that John F. Kennedy was killed.

Today, this seven-story building is listed as a historical monument of Texas, housing offices and administrative institutions, with a museum dedicated to John F. Kennedy on the 6th floor.

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