Stari Bar

Stari Bar

The main attraction of the modern Bar is the fortress city of the Old Bar. The old Bar is located 5 kilometers from the modern city, but it was here that the settlement was founded. As evidenced by archaeological finds, people lived here even before our era.

This city survived the Romans, Slavs, Venetians and Turks. The fortress changed hands for the longest time, perhaps the Ottomans owned the fortress-about 300 years. The Ottomans, unlike the others, did not destroy the city.

After 300 years, the fortress was captured by the Montenegrins led by Prince Nikola Petrovich, but the warehouses with gunpowder began to explode, almost nothing remained of the city. So a New Bar began to appear, which it was decided to build on the coast.

It will take you about 3 hours to inspect the entire fortress, places that are mandatory for inspection:

  • Ottoman Aqueduct
  •  Clock Tower
  • Cathedral of St. George
  • Tomb of Dervish Khachan

Entrance to the fortress city is paid, 2 euros for an adult and 1 for a child.

History of the fortress

The Fortress of Old Bar in Montenegro is an imposing medieval fortification that was built in the 11th century. The fortress is located on the bank of the Bojana River, 5 kilometers from the modern city of Bar.

The fortress was built by the Byzantines, and for many centuries it was an important trading center. In the 15th century the fortress was captured by the Turks, and it remained under their control until the 19th century.

In the 19th century, the fortress was badly damaged by an earthquake, and it was not used until the 1970s, when it began to be rebuilt. Today, the fortress is a popular tourist attraction, and it offers visitors spectacular views of the city and the sea.

The history of the Old Bar Fortress is rich and varied. The fortress has witnessed many historical events and it has played an important role in the development of Montenegro. Today, the fortress is one of the symbols of the country and it is a popular tourist attraction.

Here are some of the most interesting events that took place in the fortress of Old Bar:

  • In the 13th century, the fortress was captured by Serbian King Stefan Dušan.
  • In the 15th century, the fortress was captured by the Turks.
  • In the 16th century, the fortress was badly damaged by an earthquake.
  • In the 19th century the fortress was rebuilt.

Today the fortress is a popular tourist attraction.

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