St Cast le Guildo – Grande Plage Live cam


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Sen-Ka-Le-Guildo is a picturesque town located in the region of Brittany, France. Located on the Gulf of Saint — Malo.

The city impresses with its natural views — here you will find many ruins of Gallo-Roman buildings, the city is considered as a historical monument.

The province of Brittany itself is a Peninsula, because of its geographical location, it seems to be “squeezed” between England and France. The province has merged the cultures of the two countries, resulting in its own traditions, language and culture. The Bretons themselves consider themselves descendants of the ancient Celts.

The city of Saint Malo in ancient times was a Pirate fortress, the entire old city is surrounded by a fortress wall. The modern city of Saint-Malo has long grown beyond the fortress wall, but the city hall is located in the Castle. The castle was built in the 15th-18th centuries by Dukes to protect the city. By the way, you can walk along the fortress wall and see the beauty of the local sea and the city.

The new town of Saint Malo is considered a fashionable resort, the French believe that it is here that the best beaches in the country. Near the city there is an equally interesting place — Fort Nacional. The Fort was built in 1689, when it was a prison, but now tourists can get to the Museum for a fee and take amazing photos.

The most interesting thing is that you can only get to the Fort at low tide. In the Bay of San Malo, the strongest tides in Europe, there was even built a tidal power plant.

Interesting facts about France

  • French has been the official language of England for 300,000 years.
  • The most Smoking country in the world is France and the word nicotine was coined here.
  • When they meet, all French people kiss.
  • In France, there is a law prohibiting kissing on the platforms of train stations.
  • The thinnest men in Europe are French.
  • The first supermarket was opened in France in 1852.
  • In France, the balloon, parachute, photography, Bank card and more were invented.
  • Despite the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, Disneyland is the most visited place.

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