Praça Salles Filho, Santa Fe do Sul Live cam


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This webcam, installed on top of the main church tower, provides an overview of the central part of Santa Fe do Sul, which is a tourist resort in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.

Santa Fe do Sul is a municipality in the state of Sao Paulo, located in Brazil. According to the IBGE data for 2020, the population is 32,563 people, and its territory covers 208.2 square kilometers.

This settlement is located in the northwest of the state, at a distance of 642 kilometers from the city of Sao Paulo, and serves as a tourist resort located on the banks of the Parana river. Santa Fe do Sul is part of the Sao José do Rio Preto mesoregion.

The Camera captures a view of Salles Filho (Praça Salles Filho) Square and the Palco Ebe Camargo Modern Stage in Santa Fe do Sul, São Paulo State, Brazil. Also in the frame you can see the beautiful Matrix square, where the parish church of St. John the Baptist (Igreja So Joo Batista) is located.

At the crossroads of this square, there is a monument with an obelisk and four porticos, which commemorates the sixtieth anniversary of the city of Santa Fe do Sul. The design of this monument includes several panels with images reflecting the history of the city from its foundation to the present day.

You can use a map to find this cozy coastal town in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.


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