Plaza Malvinas Argentinas is located in the city of La Plata, in the province of Buenos Aires of the Argentine Republic. Its boundaries cover streets 19, 20, 50 and 54.
Originally called “Plaza Sarmiento”, it underwent a transformation when 4 January 1912 a law was passed authorizing the transfer of this territory to the national government for the creation of the 7th Infantry Regiment “Coronel Conde”.
Significant historical events took place on this square.
In 1930, he witnessed the resignation of Hipólito Yrigoyen as president of the nation following his overthrow and subsequent detention in the 7th Regiment’s officer’s casino. Additionally, in 1956, Colonel Cogorno, along with other military personnel, was executed here during the June 9 uprising in support of President Perón.
During the Malvinas War this building served as a starting point for numerous young conscripts who participated in the conflict. In memory of the 46 victims, an iron gate from the regiment’s property has been preserved on one side of the square, decorated with trees and memorial plaques in their memory.